This exercise is dealing with structures, hierarchies and institutions – those we are in willingly or unwillingly, intentionally and unintentionally. Art institutions for example; how we are branded and how we are branding our selves as artists, making CVs, etc. This is a capitalistic machinery. Capitalism cultivates the individual.
This exercise is about undoing these structures. “Work is collective” Antonio Negri says. “We are a group of productive singularities.” “We can set us selves free because we are a collective.”
See this lecture:
Creative Time Summit 2015
Keynote: Antonio Negri
See the extract of my CV to clarify.
One exercise is to take your CV and transform it into a network (as you see above). And to present it and talk about the relations between the projects/art works – how they are connected and related, how and why. How does it change your perception when you write in a non-linear manner? (….imagine writing history in this non-linear manner).
To make one big collective network where all the students in your class including your self is incorporated – taking Eg. the class/school/course as the common point of reference.
In the end of a workshop – to use the network structure as a tool – collectively you make a network where all the exercises that you worked on are noted and you thereby get another understanding of the interrelations between them.