Unspoken Projection Between Strangers
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- Leave the house engage with one stranger i.e.: ask a passerby what time it is, or talk to the person who sells you your coffee. Chat with someone you are standing in line with, or tell a stranger you like her/his shoes or bag. Alternatively you could ask a person in a restaurant or cafe if they’d recommend the dish they just had.
- Go home.
- Sit down by a window. Imagine a small love story between you and the stranger. How would you have met again? What would your daily life be like? Write it down on maximum one A4.
- Leave the house engage with another stranger: i.e. ask a passerby if they knew where the closest bakery is, or talk to the person who cashes out your groceries. Chat with someone you are sitting next to on the train, or tell a stranger in the bank they look just like someone you knew. Alternatively you could ask a person in a bookshop who their favorite author is.
- Go home.
- Sit down by a window. Imagine a small love story between you and the stranger. How would you quarrel? What would your mornings be like? Write it down on one A4.
- Repeat the whole exercise in order 3 more times including new strangers and different questions for each story. All five should be done in one day. Once you are done print these instructions, as the first page, and your one-page stories in order, staple them together and title them: Unspoken Projection Between Strangers DD.MM.YY
Next time you meet a stranger you have a nice encounter with, give them this 6 page book.
This Exercise was Contributed by Dafna Maimon.
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